Financial Library

Have you considered putting aside extra funds for the teenage years? If you have not thought about this, then you may want to if you have a child that is quickly headed towards the adolescent years. This can be a …

No matter how much we desire to protect the people most precious to us, the death of a family member is almost always met with some level of disbelief. In addition to the grief and mourning that follows the passing …

Back to Basics

What problems does the financial industry solve for Canadian consumers? Where is the value added for interacting with the financial industry and why use an Advisor versus doing it yourself online? To address these questions, here is a refresher on …

Can You Be Over-Insured?

Most Canadians take the correct steps to protect their property against loss in case anything they own is lost or stolen. Concerns about recouping losses if a home is robbed, or a favorite vintage guitar is destroyed during a basement …

As the human brain ages and matures, it’s perfectly natural for memory to undergo a great deal of changes. The brain becomes less pliable and less able to form memories, which can lead to occasional forgetfulness or absent-mindedness. More severe …

The new October 2016 Federal Government Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) rules are causing many Canadians to review and revise existing Wills and Estate Planning strategies according to STEP (The Society of Trust and Estate Planners). To track the capital gains …